Jamie West Zumwalt

Jamie has written two books on practical spirituality that seek to apply spiritual wisdom to everyday life. She regularly teaches and offers workshops and training events based on themes from these books.



Beloved Chaos

Experience a red light district plagued by poverty and violence, as Jamie weaves her own story of overcoming sexual abuse, shyness, and judgmental religion with the stories of those living on the margins. From giant, tattooed gang enforcer, Forklift, to little Mary, the sex worker, we learn the patience necessary to fight despair and restore hope to men and women experiencing homelessness and addiction. Jamie challenges ideas about God and people and invites us to leave religion to follow the Way of Love, creating a Community of Hope that becomes a little taste of heaven, here on earth.


Simple Obsession

Jamie paints an honest picture of her own search for a meaningful, passionate, transformative relationship with God. Her insight into God's desires to be our closest friend, our compassionate father and our tender lover will soften and restore any heart. For all who are struggling or simply going through the motions, these pages will launch you into an exciting new level of reality with Jesus. This guide will show you the way out of unfruitful religious wastelands and into abundant life with your simple obsession.